A few photos from Arizona

NOTE: These photos "have been modified to fit your screen," as the cheap DVDs say. Specifically,

  1. They have reduced to a maximum dimension of 997 pixels.
  2. The quality of the JPGs has been reduced to make them transfer more quickly over sub-optimal network connections.
  3. They have been very slightly sharpened to increase the visibility of details.
  4. The color space has been chosen to match generic computer monitors in the hope that they will display consistently on laptop monitors and mobile computing devices as well as high quality professional displays.

All photos were taken with a Nikon D300, and either the Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8, or the 80-200mm f/2.8 lens. The photos were all taken hand held; my tripod stayed in Virginia. Sometimes, additional technical information about the photos is available by moving the mouse over the photo and holding it still. A small box will appear with the information.

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A great deal of Arizona looks like this outcropping.

Miami, Arizona. I wonder what an 'Internet Wrap' is?

This photo was taken in suburban Phoenix. Concrete blocks abound. Apparently one wall was not enough.

I would not advertise to tourists, at least not at this location.

This 1300 year old fixer-upper can't be yours, but it was someone's once. Casa Grande National Monument, Casa Grande, Arizona.

Another house in need of a little work.

One is usually not close enough to a bird to take a picture, even with a really long lens. This picture is no exception, if what you are interested in is the bird. I saw a lot of people with what appeared to be 300mm f/4 lenses and a teleconverter trying to take a photo of birds.

This is the sign atop a restaurant.

Some of the cacti live in comparatively lush surroundings.

Anywhere there is water trapped, trees pop up.

A Palo Verde tree holding on for life where it should not be able to grow. Nothing like a polarizer to bring out the blue, high altitude sky.

A lunar view.