NOTE: These photos "have been modified to fit your screen," as the cheap DVDs say. Specifically,
All photos were taken with a Nikon D300, and either the Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8, or the 80-200mm f/2.8 lens. The photos were all taken hand held; my tripod stayed in Virginia. Sometimes, additional technical information about the photos is available by moving the mouse over the photo and holding it still. A small box will appear with the information.
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A great deal of Arizona looks like this outcropping.
Miami, Arizona. I wonder what an 'Internet Wrap' is?
This photo was taken in suburban Phoenix. Concrete blocks abound. Apparently one wall was not enough.
I would not advertise to tourists, at least not at this location.
This 1300 year old fixer-upper can't be yours, but it was someone's once. Casa Grande National Monument, Casa Grande, Arizona.
Another house in need of a little work.
One is usually not close enough to a bird to take a picture, even with a really long lens. This picture is no exception, if what you are interested in is the bird. I saw a lot of people with what appeared to be 300mm f/4 lenses and a teleconverter trying to take a photo of birds.
This is the sign atop a restaurant.
Some of the cacti live in comparatively lush surroundings.
Anywhere there is water trapped, trees pop up.
A Palo Verde tree holding on for life where it should not be able to grow. Nothing like a polarizer to bring out the blue, high altitude sky.
A lunar view.